Unwanted emails come in different shapes and sizes. Some are simple marketing emails that cause no harm eating into your allotted mailbox space. While annoying, these pale in comparison to the emails attempting to trick you into signing into a social media account (and stealing your credentials) or scam you out of money.  One of the most straightforward features you can use to protect your Outlook email is filtering emails from suspicious domains. Suspicious domains are easily identified by comparing them to real websites. For example, if you receive an email from “facebook-security.com” instead of “facebook.com,” then you know you have received a phishing email. Once you have identified these fake domains, block them using the steps below:

How to stop emails from unwanted domains in Outlook

  1. Open Outlook Settings by clicking the settings icon at the top-right corner of Outlook’s interface. 
  2. Click View all Outlook settings. A window will show you all available customization for your Outlook account. <settings.png>
  3. Next, go to Mail > Junk email using the side navigation bar of the settings window above. <junkmail.png>
  4. Under the Block senders and domains section, click the +Add link. An input field will appear. You can type multiple emails or domains in this field. <add.png>
  5. Lastly, enter the domains you wish to block, separating each with a comma. Then, press Enter on your keyboard. <domainfield.png>